When my phone was stolen I reported it, but Orange didn't spot the blatantly suspicious activity
My mobile phone was stolen in Ibiza in July and it was six hours before I realised and reported it to my service provider. In this short time, 320 hours-worth of conference calls were made leaving me with a bill of £4,356.11.
Orange never alerted me to this blatantly suspicious activity, but it initially promised in writing that I would not have to pay because the charges were "obvious results of crime". Two weeks later it attempted to debit my account for the full amount and told me I was liable. I am 23 and have no savings, an entry-level job, a large student loan and I am suffering some serious health problems as a result of this. CM, Ilkeston, Derbyshire
Unsurprisingly, Orange backs down when its press office gets involved and it has now refunded the charges as "a gesture of goodwill".
The question remains why such frenetic, uncharacteristic activity was not flagged up by its security systems. According to Orange, unusual usage is monitored, but when calls are made abroad there can be a time lag before the foreign network operator reports it.
Currently mobile phone customers can be held liable for all charges fraudulently incurred before a phone is reported stolen unlike bank customers who are only liable for the first £50 – although Orange was unforgivably heartless to insist on such a huge sum.
The government and its telecoms regulator, Ofcom, are working on a code of practice to bring greater protection to fraud victims, including the possibility of a maximum liability when large bills are run up by thieves. In the meantime, initiate pin protection on your handset.
If you need help email Anna Tims at your.problems@observer.co.uk or write to Your Problems, The Observer, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU. Include an address and phone number.

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